Tuesday, January 27, 2009


According to Virginia Woolf "a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction" and I would have to agree. I would agree with Paula Maggio when she links freedom and empowerment of Woolf's "room" to blogs. Blogs allow anyone, no matter race, age, sex, or location to openly express their ideas. People can write about anything they want on blogs and though someone may criticize them for it, they still have the ability to get their ideas out and put it in writing. It's like having our own little "room" where we can go and openly express ourselves and write what we feel with out being faced with some one telling us what to write or what to think.

Woolf really sheds a light on the history of women writers and the things they had to overcome to become good writers. She makes you think about the importance of getting your ideas out and having a "room" in which this is possible.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lives and Times

This will be my blog for my class: Lives and Times.

The class is going well so far. I like the reading that is assigned and I really enjoy the in-class discussions that occur. I like to hear other's opinions and see how they interpreted the reading. It allows people to think in a different way and open their minds in ways that they never thought of before.

I feel that this class will open my eyes to the relationships between people and with our surroundings. I feel that it will also help me to "close read" literature and learn to look for the true meaning within the writing.

*I still do not like the snow!!

A metaphor for my writing would have to be like going to the grocery store to pick out the perfect meal. There are always so many options of items, you can get just plain peanut butter or you can get creamy or chunky and then there is always four or more different brands to choose from. Choosing the right brand and type of food is like trying to find the right words to use that will make my paper work. If you happen to choose the wrong type or brand then it can ruin your whole meal. Another factor is other people, if other people have taken all peanut butter you need to make the perfect meal, then you are going to have to alter your recipe which in turn could alter the entire meal. It's like having your teacher look over your draft and give you suggests for improvement. To make the perfect meal you also have to have all the ingredients, which is having all your ideas and thoughts well put together in your paper. In the end you either come out with the perfect meal or something you wouldn't even let your dog eat. It all depends on the ingredients that you chose to use.