In class we discussed if it is possible for people to be more than one thing, such as Indian and American or Irish and German. I think it is possible for a person to be more than one thing, but I feel like they are pulled more to one side or the other. I feel that certain situations and people will cause them to relate to either side. I do not think they necessarily have to choose between one or the other, but in certain situations they are going to relate more to one side than the other. I think that it is totally up to the individual if they want to relate more to one side or not. I know when I am with my friends that I made up here I act more northern and I lose my southern accent, but when I am with my friends at home I have a heavy southern accent and tend to be more laid back. I think which side of yourself you choose has a lot to do with the situation and the people you are around.

(Friends from here..can you find me??)
(Peaches in ND!!!)
I think that by allowing a different side to come out does not mean you have to choose one way or the other. I think it is ok to have different parts of you come out at different times. I feel that does not make you who you are- all of your experiences contribute, not just certain ones.