Thursday, April 23, 2009

Power in Power

In class on Tuesday we talked about the power within Power. We talked about the power of the panther to the Tigia Tribe, the power of nature, of dreams, and the power of truth. One truth we talked about was very important to me and it was the power of confidence. We talked about how Omishto had power over the sheriff when she states, "You won't ever lay a hand on me again", "never. And I'm never going back" (208). After Omishto states this the sheriff steps back and begins to grow smaller in her eyes. She even states that he seems to have a weak back. It shows that even when someone is pushing or bullying you that having confidence in yourself can help. My Mother always tells me to have confidence in myself or else people will run over me. She says that if someone is bullying you or running over you, you are making yourself the victim and you are allowing them to do that to you. You are the only person that can truly fight for you. You have to have confidence in yourself or else people will hurt or use you. Self confidence is one of my highest priorities and I never want to lose it. You have to have confidence in yourself or else no one ever will have confidence in you.

Having self confidence is not easy and many factors affecting self confidence are beyond your control, but there are a number of things you can consciously do to build self confidence.
Here is a website with 10 quick strategies to achieve a higher self confidence:

Here is a video I found on You Tube it is so awesome:

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